Longevity Nation

Bar-Ilan University, Nanotechnology Building 206,

Ramat Gan (Tel Aviv district), Israel

28-31 October 2024 (Mon-Thu)

Focus: Tripartite American British Israeli Longevity Initiative (TABILI)

October 28

8.00-9.00 – Gathering and Registration

Session 1. 9.00-10.20. Opening Session. Enhancing the longevity ecosystem for Israel and international collaboration

Dr. Ilia Stambler (Chairman Vetek Association. Bar Ilan University)

Prof. Richard Faragher (AFAR Board of Directors, Co-Ordinator UK MRC-BBSRC Ageing Networks)

MK Gila Gamliel (Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology)

Prof. Amnon Albeck (Rector, Bar-Ilan University)

Prof. Noah Efron (Chairman, Science, Technology and Society. Bar-Ilan University)

Stephanie Lederman (Executive Director, American Federation for Aging Research – AFAR)

Hanan Tal, Alex Friedman (Disabled, not Half a Human Being Association; Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life)

British, American and Israeli government bodies

Session Objective: The need to global collaboration on research, translation and education to address the challenges and opportunities around population ageing. Israel’s potential as an important contributor to this international effort.

10.20-11.00. Break

Session 2. 11.00-12.20. Keynotes. Why Now? Breakthroughs in the science of ageing

11.00-11.30: Prof. Nir Barzilai (Albert Einstein College of Medicine) How to die young at a very old age?

11.30-12.00: Prof. S. Jay Olshansky (School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago) Implausibility of radical life extension in humans in the 21st century.

12.00-12.30: Prof. Stathis Gonos (National Hellenic Research Foundation) Development of personalized anti-ageing treatments.

12.30-14.00 LUNCH

Session 3. 14.00-16.00. What can we hope for? Intervening in fundamental ageing mechanisms

14.00-14.20: Prof. Valery Krizhanovsky (Weizmann Institute of Science) Senescent cells: where to find them and how to deal with them.

14.20:14.40: Prof. Haim Cohen (Bar-Ilan University) Maintaining healthy longevity by SIRT6.

14.40-15.00: Dr. Natalie Yivgi-Ohana (Minovia Therapeutics) Revitalizing the immune system with young mitochondria.

15.00-15.20: Prof. Uri Alon (Weizmann Institute of Science) A circuit approach to understand aging.

15.20-15.40: Dr. Omri Amirav-Drori , Dr. Ohad Gafni (Renewal Bio) Deep bio solutions for longevity.

15.40-16.00: Prof. Shai Efrati (Shamir Medical Center) The use of the hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox in regenerative medicine.

16.00-16.20: Prof. Enrico Mairov, Prof. Luciano Bassani, Dr. Vittorio Pesato, Dr. Flavio Cabitza (Comunita Mondiale della Longevita) Sardinia: Longevity determinants of a blue zone (online) .

16.20-16.40: Prof. Susan Greenfield (Neuro-Bio, UK): A novel mechanism underlying aging (online).

16.40-17.00: Prof. Björn Schumacher (University of Cologne) Genome stability in aging: Mechanisms and interventions (online).

October 29

Session 1. 9.00-10.20. Pathways and crossroads to healthy longevity. The promises and challenges of geroscience.

9.20-9.40: Prof. Lynne Cox (University of Oxford) Age-related bone fragility in type 1 diabetes – the role of bone cell senescence (online).

9.40-10.00: Prof. Myriam Grunewald (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Undoing loss of microvascular homeostasis promotes healthy aging.

10.00-10.20: Dr. Maria Cavinato (Innsbruck University) Senescence, Skin, and Longevity: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Avenues (online).

10.20-11.00. Break

Session 2. 11.00-12.20. Aging Clocks, Biomarkers and Clinical evaluation criteria

11.00-11.20: Prof. Steve Horvath (Altos Labs, UCLA) DNA methylation studies of mammalian lifespan (online).

11.20-11.40: Guy Leitersdorf , Dor Daniel (Longevity AI) AI-Powered longitudinal longevity studies

11.40-12.00: Shimon Meshi (Centarix) Measuring aging in the community.

12.00-12.20: Prof. Gil Atzmon (Haifa University) Nontraditional approaches for interpreting the epigenetics of longevity as a tool for a long and healthy lifespan.

12.20-14.00 LUNCH

Session 3. 14.00-17.00. Into the clinic: What can be offered now and in the near future?

14.0014.20: Prof. Evelyne Bischof (The Healthy Longevity Medicine Society and Sheba Longevity Center) Healthy Longevity Medicine – optimizing the biological age of the individual performance, clinical experience.

14.20-14.40: Dr. Marios Kyriazis (National Gerontology Centre Cyprus) Intermittent fasting, hormesis, and adaptive responses.

14:40-15.00: Dr. Mario Krause (European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine – ESAAM) If you are looking for longevity – don’t die from cancer.

15.20-15.40: Yaky Yanay (Pluri) From birth to renewal: The therapeutic potential of placental cells to promote healthy longevity.

15.40-16.00: Dr. Arseniy Trukhanov (European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine – ESAAM) The handbook on healthy longevity: The road map.

16.00-16.20: Prof. Robert Chunhua Zhao (School of Basic Medicine Peking Union Medical College) Application of MSCs against aging-related diseases (online).

16.20-16.40: Prof. Kunlin Jin (University of North Texas Health Science Center and International Society on Aging and Disease – ISOAD) Pericytes: Key Players in the Pathophysiology of Age-Related Brain Diseases (online).

October 30

Session 1. 9.00-10.45. Cooperation in Practice. BIRAX Healthy Ageing – Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Healthy Ageing. Part 1.

Prof. Avi Domb (Chief Scientist. Israel Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology)

10.45-11.00. Break

Session 2. 11.00-13.00. Cooperation in Practice. BIRAX Healthy Ageing – Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Healthy Ageing. Part 2.

13.00-14.00 LUNCH

Session 3. 14.00-14.50. Cooperation in Practice. BIRAX Healthy Ageing – Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Healthy Ageing. Part 3.

14.50-15.00. Break

Session 3. 15.00-17.00. Ends and Means: Investing in healthy longevity. The way ahead. Visions of the Future

15.00-15.20: Dmitry Kaminskiy (Deep Knowledge Group) Longevity industry framework and the financial commoditization of longevity industrialization.

15.20-15.40: Dr. Natasha Vita-More (NVM Productions) The Art of Healthy Longevity: Commit don’t quit!

15.40-16.00: Dr. José Luis Cordeiro (The Millennium Project) The nascent Longevity movement in Latin America and the Middle East.

16.00-16.20: Fiona Miller (quadraScope Venture Fund) Following the data. Update on the longevity science and market (online).

16.20-16.40: Dr. Aubrey de Grey (LEV Foundation) Taking rejuvenation research to escape velocity (online).

October 31

Session 1. 9.00.-10.00.  Longevity Medicine

9.00-9.20. Prof. Vittorio Calabrese (University of Catania, ESAAM) Hormetic Neuronutrition in Healthy Aging and Longevity: From Bench To Clinics.

9.20-9.40. Prof. Anzhela B. Kozhokaru (A. I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center) Sleep and Longevity (online).

9.40-10.00. Prof. Sivan Henis-Korenblit (Bar-Ilan University) Using model organisms to discover genetic strategies towards improving healthspan in humans.

10.00-10.30. Break

Session 2. 10.30-11.30. Longevity Industry

10.30-10.45. Prof. Shai Shen-Orr (Faculty of Medicine, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology; CytoReason) Exposed to Life – Getting at the Immunological Clock.

10.45-11.00. Dr. Ira Sobel (Fintech for Longevity Academy)  Longevity and open data – leveraging aging data to longevity finance.

11.00-11.15: Dr. Yael Benvenisti (Insurtech Israel) Technologies for aging well.

11.15-11.30. Ishay Attar (BioChange) A tissue scaffold to rebuild damaged tissues and organs.

11.30-12.00. Break

Session 3. 12.00-13.00. Longevity Education. Awarding the Longevity Aspiration Prize

Final Session 4. 13.00-13.30. Resolution and Closing remarks