If you would like to sponsor or donate to the Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life which is the main organizer of the Longevity Nation conference and leads the promotion of healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel, please use details below.
Note: The Vetek Association has Israeli income tax approval for donations according to Article 46 of the Ordinance. Accordingly, the donations to the Vetek Association will give the donor a tax deduction, in accordance to this Article.
Wiring instructions:
Bank Name: Bank Hapoalim B.M.; Bank Code: 12; Branch Name: Shaul Hamelech; Branch Code: 532; Address: 3 Daniel Frisch St. Tel Aviv, Israel.
Account No: 505131. For the account No. 12-532-505131
International Account number IBAN (23 digits): IL86-0125-3200-0000-0505-131
Swift Code (BIC): POALILIT
Account name (Beneficiary): VETEK-TNUA L EIHUT V ARIHUT HAIM
Name in Hebrew:
ותק-התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים (ע”ר)
You can also donate directly through this Donation page (the fields are in Hebrew)
Or through PayPal
Donation receipts will be sent to the donors.
For clarifications and details, contact: Dr. Ilia Stambler, Chairman of Vetek Association. ilia.stambler@gmail.com